Walkerson Group
Since 1984


Collection and recycling waste vegetable oils and meeting the needs of Biofuel plants are the primary missions of Walkerson business. Its professional specialties and teams play an essential role: matching waste oil product supply with demand, day in and day out, on a global scale. As a result, we have access to widely diversified sources of supply and substantial resources.

Walkerson comprises a young spirited and enthusiastic team who conduct business in all Middle East countries, through our operational offices in Jordan, Qatar, Iraq and Bahrain. Our management and operational teams have forged close, long-term relationships with a network of customers and suppliers worldwide, including national and international oil companies and producers, refiners, and distributors.

Head Office
1st floor, Manko bldg. 13, Sweifieh, Amman, Jordan
Tel: 0096776641466
Fax: 0096265537964
Email : Info@walkersongroup.com
Web : www.walkersongroup.com